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5 Faves & a Dud: Catwoman Disapproves

I have less focus in me today than a sugar high toddler being let loose in a ball pit for the first time. Really. It’s bad. Sorry bosses, I got next to nothing done at work today. My bad.

5 Faves & a Dud – 3/22/16 Upload

Favorite #1: Run: Speed Short ($54) in rio night multi/black

Bad joke alert: these quasi-galactic patterned shorts are out of this world! Call me nuts because I crack myself up. That follow-up joke doesn’t even make sense. I haven’t bought any new Speeds since the summer, so I am considering adding these into the collection. But don’t the Seawheeze shorts ship in a couple weeks? I don’t need two new pairs of shorts.

Favorite #2: Spring Break Away Short *4-way Stretch ($58) in deep green

So they’re not exactly an evening gown, but a gem tone so deep and gorgeous, how can you not? Then again, that’s what a lot of brides say when choosing their girls’ bridesmaid dresses, and I’m sure you all have horror stories of your own of well-intended garments gone bad. Long story short (pun intended), great shorts, great color. They’re long enough to protect from chub rub, but short enough not to look like you borrowed them from Mom.

Favorite #3: Cool Racerback ($42) in cyber black deep coal

If this comes out in a Wunder Under Crop or High Times Pant, this pattern is going to sell out extremely fast. For now, let’s admire it in tank top form.

Favorite #4: Free to Be Bag ($128) in deep zinfandel

Ever since biting the bullet on the Extra Mile Duffel a few weeks ago, I’ve been paying more attention to the bag section. Now that I have aforementioned duffel, I don’t need another, but this one sure is fun to look at. Just structured enough to pass as a work bag. Plus, a little bag to keep your shoes’ stench in check! (Don’t even try to lie and tell me your shoes don’t smell.)

Shoot, if you’ve got a few little ones around, this could even be an opportunity to up your diaper bag game? I don’t know. I don’t have kids. I don’t even have a plant. Forget I said anything. This bag is pretty.

Favorite #5: If You’re Lucky Long Sleeve Tee II ($88) in black

If I had a boyfriend, I’d probably wear the hell out of this around the house trying to look all sexy and cute. I don’t, so I guess I’ll save the $88. I’m tempted, but I’m on a mission to take an epic trip to a TBD national park this summer. Reckless spending in the name of looking cute for no one kind of undermines the whole ‘save money’ MO.

It’s still chilly here in CT anyway, and who likes an unpleasant draft in back? On the first day of Spring, I woke up to clean about 4 inches of snow off my car. There was no evidence of it and we were out running on the trail by the 5:30p WOD. New England weather is drunk.

The Dud: Purr-Suit Onesie ($128) in paradise geo regal plum multi

Alright. You all knew this was coming. I can get behind the idea of sexing up a catsuit with a statement necklace, some boots and a blazer. Perhaps it’s your cup of tea when you’re at barre or if you’re a serious dancer. I even call it well-played with the feline reference in naming of said cat suit. I am applauding certain parts of the effort. The design itself is actually quite nice.

What I can’t get behind is the full-on luxtreme and the decision to release this in a PRINT. The print ruined what could otherwise have been a sassy and edgy piece of work. Release said onesie in plain black, and then maybe we can talk business. Until then, welcome to Dudville, population YOU.

Other Stuff Worth Paying Attention To

She’s mad at me for leaving her out of the top 5. Sorry, model whose name I don’t know. I really am.

After all that rambling, the Speed Shorts, black Swiftly LS and If You’re Lucky LS II are sitting in my cart. Not buying anything for at least 48 hours. My impulsive “OMG NEED THIS NOW” days are behind me (I think, I hope).

If they sell out before then, then I will get over it (eventually) like those inkwell Align Pants that I never got but am successfully living life without.

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