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5 Faves & a Dud: 10/11/16 Upload

I can’t write any other words without first saying THANK YOU to everyone for all the kind words and birthday wishes last week. Completing my 30th year on earth was a bit rocky, and I’m hopeful that 31 will be on the up and up. Your comments meant a lot when I was really feeling like dirt.

With the bad came some good, meaning CAKE, quality time with my little nieces, some good family news and a Sigur Rós concert with a college friend who I don’t get to see all that often.

Sigur Rós – Kings Theater | Brooklyn, NY 10/7/16

Can we talk about Iceland for a minute? First it was Annie Thorisdottir taking the CrossFit world by storm. Then Katrin Davidsdottir & Sara Sigmundsdottir came along. Then, Reykjavik has become the ‘it’ destination for travelers in recent years.

Then, I was tipped off onto an Icelandic band (who have actually been around for a long time), and within 2 weeks I found myself scouring StubHub for a last-minute pair of tickets to a sold-out Sigur Rós show in Brooklyn last Friday night, thinking “I GOTTA SEE THEM!”.

Is the Icelandic phenomenon only manifesting itself in my realm, or is everyone else noticing it too? It’s the place to go, it’s the place to be from, Iceland is IT. Has anyone been? Does it live up to the hype? If I need to go on a mileage run this December to clinch airline status for 2017, should I go to Iceland for lunch?

At first look, upload didn’t seem all that thrilling this week. In the past 2 years, the first week of October has always yielded some sort of OMG FUN pair of pants or crops that I’ve snagged as a HBD to me (ex: plaid WUPs, bali breeze cyber stripe WUCs). I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks now. Nada. Then, as I combed through this week’s selection… I had to stop and whittle my favorites down to 5. Turns out there are some sleepers in there after all.

[SIDE NOTE: I failed to post a WMTM Alert from my hole of self pity last week, but right now it’s up to 200(!!!) items. Check it out!]

5 Faves & a Dud – 10/11/16 Upload

Favorite #1: City Bound Dress ($128) in black

This pick may surprise a few of you. It’s a bit potato sack-ish, but the loose yet structured look is capturing my attention. Will have to check it out in person, if this is more of a blend or obviously a sweatshirt-ish deal. If it’s not an obvious sweatshirt, I will tell you right now that this will be your favorite dress to wear to work (with Aligns & boots) on Mondays during the winter, after a few too many beers and wings on Sunday Fundays.

Plus, it has pockets. It’s against Girl Code not to like a dress with pockets.

Favorite #2: Wild and Free Tank ($58) in black or shocking blue

The winner for me here is the neckline. Not a scoop, but not a V either. Plus, the mesh back still lets you have a little fun with whatever sports bra you choose to layer underneath.

I can’t even make a call on color. Leave me out of that decision. You do you, girlfriend.

Favorite #3: Wild and Free Tight ($118) in black

I don’t have a history of liking large mesh panels on pants. This time, the way the stripe details angle at different directions along the sides speak to me.

You want to know what they’re saying?

Favorite #4: Align Pant II ($98) in darkest magenta

Ever since getting these medium brown tall suede boots a couple weeks ago, I’m all about mixing them with jewel tone pants. I wore a pair of skinnies today extremely close to this color with a cream sweater and thought I looked pretty cute. Wasn’t just feeling the outfit because it included an awesome leather belt from Abercrombie & Fitch that I’ve had since 2002. I’m projecting right now. The purple, I dig it.

Favorite #5: Pace Rival Crop ($88) in antique paisley sapphire blue black/black

Royal blue. Paisley. DO I NEED TO SAY MORE? Nope. So I’m not going to.

The Dud: All Time Tee ($68) in heathered medium gray

Sew a hood onto this and call yourself Bill Belichick. At least you’d get paid to hang out with Tom Brady, Julian Edelman and Gronk all day.

The man knows football, not fashion.

Honorable Mention

Other Stuff I Should Talk About

Let’s Get Mathematic!

Q: How many more cubic inches of space do you get for an extra $10 in the All Day Tote vs the All Day Tote Mini Which is a better buy?

Let’s do some math and figure it out.

The regular size tote holds 26L/50lbs. The Mini holds 15L/no weight listed. Big is $4.92 per liter of space. Mini is $7.86 per liter. There you have it, savvy shoppers.

A: The full size All Day Tote easily gets you more bang for your buck.

The gift card that my generous big sister gave me for my birthday is going unspent this evening. There are lots of likes, but no immediate loves for me. What about everyone else?

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