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5 Faves & a Dud: Funfetti Minus the Cupcakes

Normally, I’m pretty good at double unders. Any WOD that includes them makes me fist pump while most others groan in displeasure. Well, Sunday morning at Open Gym I decided to get my cardio on in the form of the WOD called Flight Simulator.

Complete for time:

5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders

You must stop between sets. You cannot jump single unders between sets. If you break on a set, you must keep attempting and complete that set unbroken before you can move on.

SOUNDS FUN, RIGHT?! Well, I did it earlier this year in something like 13 minutes, taking adequate rest between the larger sets. I only broke on the first 45er that time.

Took me 18:46 this time, and I kept on freaking messing up only 5ish reps shy on the larger sets I can’t tell you how many times. My calves were starting to give out on me. Fast forward 24 hours, DOMS kicks in. OUCH. It’s now 48 hours and I’m still hobbling around, and did step ups instead of the Rx’d box jumps at the gym today.

My calves haven’t hurt this bad since that one time in 2013 I thought doing 1000 double unders for time was a good idea. (It wasn’t.) There is no point to this story. I just feel like complaining, and advising anyone who’s not MONEY at dubs to tread carefully with this spicy little number.

The word of the week to describe lulu’s new print: FUNFETTI.

5 Faves & a Dud – 2/9/16 Upload

Favorite #1: Align Pant ($98) in inkwell

Ahem… WOOHOO! Enough with the bright pinks, inkwell is long overdue. Hopefully lulu cranked out a bunch of these, because I envision this perfectly colored basic becoming very popular.

Favorite #2: Run Times Short *4-way Stretch ($54) in lakeside blue

This color is nothing short of beautiful. If the Run Times are your preference over Speeds, I envy your luck this week. Want. These. In. Speed. Shorts.

Favorite #3: Vinyasa Scarf ($48) in hyper stripe sea mist hero blue/hero blue

*closes eyes and dreams of spring*

Whattt… I can only feel 9 of my 10 fingers right now as I type this. Damn you, February temps. I will have to scope this one in person. Single ply Vinyasas are too flimsy for my taste. If this one has 2 layers of rulu, now we’re talking.

Favorite #4: Salute the Sun Singlet II ($54) in heathered lakeside blue

Normally I’m not that down with the heathered colors, but this shade of lakeside gives me hearts for eyes and I let things slide that I normally wouldn’t. Kind of like Porsche goggles can cloud your otherwise decent judgement and lead you into dating a guy for a few months who really didn’t deserve a rose past date 2. I wish that were a joke. We all make mistakes we’re less than proud of.

Anyway, this tank deserves a rose because it’s flattering and perfect for those days where you’re feeling less than svelte. The slit in back is a fun touch.

Favorite #5: Under Wraps Pullover ($118) in bordeaux drama

Now this is a bit more weather apropos for February. Temps are supposed to dip below zero in the next few days. I want to hide in this/from other people on an airplane. I’m hopping on an airplane this weekend (oh hai SLC!). Perhaps I take the one last gift card from Christmas to the mall and bid it adieu in exchange for this pullover. Perhaps not.

The Dud: All Tied Up Tank *Scoop ($48) in heathered light grey

If you want to look like the tacky tablecloths at your crazy cousin Sara’s disco-themed wedding reception, have at it.

Other Notable… Notes

So much typing. Haven’t even gotten through the shorts & skirts yet. Attention span wandering. Check out the remainder of upload here…

Looks like another week and another empty shopping cart for me! I’m curious about that Under Wraps Pullover, but I’m going to wait to try it on first.

Seeing that it’s Mardi Gras, who bought what in a King Cake and booze-fueled food coma? 🙂

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