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#SeaKatyWheeze: Week 9 Training Recap

Week 9 is over? What the… that means we are halfway through Seawheeze training. Time flies when you’re busy working.

#SeaKatyWheeze: Week 9

Day 57 – Sunday 7/22

Rest Day + Work Walk

Sunday was nothing thrilling in the workout world, I was spent and a half after Saturday. When you drag yourself 32,000+ steps on foot in a day, the level in your proverbial gas tank gets low.

Day 58 – Monday 7/23

Run 4.25mi HR <145 + Work Walk

Minneapolis is nice in that the humidity broke and I kept my HR down to 141 for the duration of this run. So does this mean I’m cardio decent now? Probably not.

I did this run at 7am, so naturally I felt entitled to TWO cupcakes at lunch.

Day 59 – Tuesday 7/24

Run 4mi + Round Trip Work Walk

Do what you can when you can. I had plans the next night to go do important things like meet my friends for Happy Hour and get glitter ice cream, so I made the most of the time between work and team dinner to scoot a handful of miles in there.

I have no photos from my run, but here’s me in a harness and the view from the bucket while taking antenna off a tower at work that afternoon, because why not.

Day 60 – Wednesday 7/25

Rest(ish) / Round Trip Work Walk

I may not have worked out in the running sense of the word, but the majority of my day was spent moving heavy sh*t and loading a semi full of equipment. Nails were broken, blood was drawn. #OpsFit

After we put a bow on our latest big event, I did my hair & makeup like a girl for once. Then, I went and got that glitter ice cream… and a brain freeze too.

Day 61 – Thursday 7/26

Warmup 2 + Wave Tempo 4 + Cooldown 1 = Run 7 miles

The latest mind trick Joanna’s had me test out is something called a ‘wave tempo’. I gave myself away on that 5K that I was capable of hitting sub-9 miles, and so the goal was to run at 8:45 for 1 mile, relax the pace to 9:15 for a half mile, before speeding back up to an 8:45. All was well & good in that first mile, except I had to pause and die after each ‘fast’ mile.

This run was simultaneously good and bad. Good that I am physically capable of hitting paces I’m not ashamed of, but bad in that once I red-line, my body just can’t seem to get and juice back in the tank once it’s gone. I’ve been having trouble all summer finding the stamina to sustain that push when the going gets fast and uncomfortable.

Day 62 – Friday 7/27


Deadlift (6 x 4 same weight across) – 125lbs

Metcon (Time)
4 rounds of:
12 Kettle Bell Swings 35lbs
21 Double Unders
12 Toes to bar
21 Double Unders

HOME SWEET HOME! After flying home in the morning, I couldn’t wait to get back in the box to see all my gym friends. Plus, I <3 double unders and Joanna says that deadlifts are quite beneficial for runners.

At least I’ve matured enough to cover the bloody rip BEFORE taking a photo.

Out of practice, I had some trouble with the toes to bar and ripped my hand with about 7 reps to go on the final round. Ouchieee!


Day 63 – Saturday 7/28

Long Run Failure to Launch + ROMWOD x2

After working three 70-hour weeks in a row, I was both exhausted and grateful to be back home. I rolled out of bed and into my run clothes, but the thermometer was rising as the clock kept ticking.

My training calendar said to go 12 miles, but my body said to do anything but.

At 11am I was so dead to the world that I had actually climbed back into bed, just to rest. I NEVER do that. EVER. Around 1pm it was decided that I’d take a mulligan and hope for better luck on Sunday.

I still felt like I should have done something with my day, so I finally found my way over to ROMWOD and signed up. I promptly did 2 routines meant for runners, to see if this mobility program can potentially help a girl and her super tight hammies out.

Around 4pm, I tried to go for *any* type of short run, and honestly… I made it to the mailbox. My body revolted after 1/10th of a mile. It wasn’t the usually tired or lazy that made me drag my feet.

I had to shut down my pride and listen to my body, beacuse it wasn’t saying “I don’t really feel like this”, it was screaming “NO”, loud and clear.

#SeaKatyWheeze Cumulative Stats


Miles Run: 15.25
WODs Done: 2
Calories Burned: 1719
Miles Traveled: 1050
Nights on the Road: 5


Miles Run: 180.75
WODs Done: 12
Calories Burned: 24068
Miles Traveled: 16591
Nights on the Road: 31

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