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#SeaKatyWheeze: Week 15 Recap

Still trying to get up to speed (pun intended) on these recaps… seeing that AUGUST is upon us. Sneeps!

#SeaKatyWheeze – Week 15 Recap

Day 99 – Sunday 7/16

Rest Day

While it was a rest day on paper, I worked for about 14 hours on Sunday. So… that’s got to count for something, right?

Day 100 – Monday 7/17

Run 3mi

Monday on the Mississippi
Monday morning, I subscribed to the “do what you can when you can” philosophy. There was no option for an evening workout, because I had other, more exciting things to do, like go to the Twins/Yankee game and indulge in a paper Viking boat full of cheese curds.

Given that it was a long day & night at work the day before, tried to get an easy 3 in just to shake the cobwebs out. Things aren’t fun when it’s 80 and humid already at 7 in the morning. But, I found myself dripping sweat by 7:15a nonetheless.

Day 101 – Tuesday 7/18

Run 3mi

Still trying to keep true to the “do what you can when you can”, I went outside to get another quick 3mi hustle in before work. The pace was barely under 10:00/mi, but it was… which is unfortunately more rare of an occurrence than I’d like it to be. Can’t whine about a 9:53/mi, I suppose.

Minneapolis is humid. No funzo. I didn’t want to run BEFORE I went, and I still wasn’t happy about it after, either. But hey… Starbucks.

Day 102 – Wednesday 7/19

Rest Day (-ish)

My training app thinks I rested on Wednesday. What it doesn’t know is that I spent a lot of energy moving jacking up and moving pallets around that weighed 500-1000lbs for a good portion of the afternoon.

Definitely broke a sweat. CrossFit? Try OPS FIT!

Day 103 – Thursday 7/20

Run 8.25mi

Finished with all the heavy lifting work-wise, Thursday I was able to wake up and get a somewhat decent 8 mile run in before going HAM on some more guacamole from Barrio for lunch.

For the first 6.4 miles, I averaged a 10:19 pace (says Garmin, Strava thinks I was faster), which isn’t *that* horrible by my standards. This portion included a sprint across Stone Arch Bridge to finish out my run time in Minneapolis somewhat ‘ceremoniously’. Needed to catch my breath on a bench afterward before continuing the distance home.

Covered in sweat, of course I had to pop by Starbucks one last time on the way back to the hotel. So much fun to get weird looks from all the prim and proper corporate America types. (Not sarcasm.)

On this run, I also had a few firsts… in that I got chased by an angry wasp, it was so damn hot that I took my tank top off, tucked it into my Flip Belt and ran crops & sports bra style, and it was also the first time I’d ever actually had to stop mid-run for a bathroom break. How eventful. That wasp though, unhappy creature he was.

Then I went to the World’s Largest Twine Ball wound by one man, and wore this new techie short sleeve shirt I got from TARGET (wooo!). Thursday was a good day.

Day 104 – Friday 7/21

Rest Day (I seem to be getting really good at those)

I’m on my waaay, I’m on my WAAAAY – HOME SWEET HOOOOOME!

I flew home from Minneapolis on Friday after a roller coaster three weeks of training. I should have gotten in some HR miles, but instead I sat on my couch watching Game of Thrones while dreading the 12-mile long run I had ahead of me the next day.

Day 105 – Saturday 7/22

Run 12mi

Before the run, I tried to loosen up with 15-20min of yoga from some runner-focused videos on YouTube, courtesy of Cat Meffan.

Legs felt good(ish) for the majority of the run, but I plain old overheated. My goal was no walk breaks after last week’s physical/mental/emotional breakdowns happening once a mile.

At mile 6 I stopped on purpose to refill my water bottle and ice down my neck on the front porch. It wasn’t until the 9th mile that the heat caught up to me so much that I even took my shirt off (that NEVER happens). My ice cold nuun water again went down faster in the second portion of the run and the last two miles was EFFORT to put one foot in front of the other, with all the stitches in my sides I kept getting.

Not my best work, but I feel like I did what I could in this weather to put in a good effort without collapsing on the side of the road from heat exhaustion.

This Week’s Mileage: 26.25 miles // #SeaKatyWheeze Cumulative Total: 283.50 miles

Aw, I ran a marathon in week 15. How cute.

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