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Catch Me if You Can: A Brief History of My Athleisure Addiction


Not only is the phrase ‘catch me if you can’ the name of one of my favorite movies, it’s also a great way of describing where exactly I am on any given day. I don’t like staying in the same state for more than 3 weeks at a time, and it’s not uncommon for my parents to text asking “what state are you in right now?”

Behind all the outfit selfies and goofiness you see on instagram, there’s a legit business traveler.

Traveling is a big part of my life. I can stay put for a month or two on end, but I also may hit the west coast 3x in two weeks. The vast majority of the travel I do is not the ‘Lorelai Gilmore does WILD in an effort to find herself’ or ‘look at my romantic vacation’, kind. It’s business.

My two best friends on the road.

Destinations aren’t always the most glamorous and work days are long. However, I always try to find some sort of fun in each place I go, whether it be a coffee shop, running trail, laser tag or yes… the local lululemon.

My frequent travel is what led me to pay so much attention to athleisure in the first place. When you’re at a NASCAR race in south Florida, mandated to wear pants due to occupational safety requirements, it gets sweaty. Working full-time in remote sports broadcasting, so I often times need to go where the sports are.

This means lots of time spent flying, and lots of time scratching my head of how I’m going to be running around a venue all day while still maintaining a somewhat ‘professional’ appearance. Plus, you have no idea what the weather is going to throw at you 5 days down the calendar.

I still remember my first couple of races down in Miami, where it was hot, sticky and incredibly humid. There HAD to be a better option than denim. So I began to explore lululemon’s offerings beyond Speed Shorts & Energy Bras, many which merged structured casual designs with technical, sweat-wicking fabric. The Everyday Pant lured me in, and a few short-sleeved shirts followed.

From then on, comfort and functionality led me to dive deeper and deeper into athleisure offerings, so that I could keep cool (or warm, depending on where I was) and maintain a look at work that didn’t look like I was headed for the gym.

Athleisure provides the comfort factor without compromising style, therefore lululemon began a true wardrobe takeover for me at some point in 2014.

CrossFit led me to athleisure, but the road life has kept me there.

Back on the old blog, I would share some of my travels (mainly CrossFit drop-ins) as I made my way across the country and back in a series I dubbed “On the Road”. Seeing that I try to get out and find at least a good glass of wine and a cup of coffee… even a running trail every once in a while – I want to start that up again.

Working (and becoming friends) with people across the country in the past 5 years, I’ve eaten some good food, seen some great sights, and been rescued by personal ties when Delta’s stranded me overnight in a random hub city.

While I love gawking at majestic national park beauty all through my instagram feed, the fact of the matter is that many of us don’t have the time or financial resources to head out on epic adventures on a weekly basis. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t find reasonable local fun, and that’s exactly the type of thing I’ll try and share.

At the end of the day, I Just Want My Pants to Fit… because they were (likely) expensive.

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