5 Faves & a Dud: 5/30/18

5 Faves & a DudAthletalululemon

It’s been a hot while since writing a 5FD. I’m trying not to shop as much anymore, so the motivation to spend the time I once did in carefully creating a weekly post gradually evaporated. That said, I still like cute outfits as much as ever.

I’ve been toying with ideas on how I can still curate items that pique my interest in a bit more efficient manner, seeing that I don’t necessarily have as much free time that I once did when this whole blog thing started. Therefore, I’m moving forward with the MO that shorter posts (hooray bullet points!) are better than no posts at all.

Also, I am going to incorporate 5FD into my IG stories so you can see them mid-swipe first. Links, prices and bonus commentary will live here, per (what used to be) usual.

The numbers don’t lie and nobody likes an inconsistent blogger, so for those of you who have stuck around and continue to read/comment through my perpetual efforts to get my sh*t together… THANK YOU. Work/life balance? Sounds fun. I should try it sometime.

This Week’s Favorites

From top, L-R:

The Dud

Lululemon Hi-Rise Wunder Under Tight ($98) in zen garden multi


I simply can’t even with the print. It’s like these SHOULD be a silk kimono in a James Bond film. Tell me I’m not wrong. All the florals that lululemon’s got going on need to, well, go. Bring back the stripes. MAKE LULULEMON 2013 AGAIN!


  1. Hahaha, yeah, that print is something else. Is Lululemon trying to make leggings for 1950s grandmas who want to match their wallpaper??

  2. That print is HORRIBLE! However, I have to give top billing to the “Dud” to the Rejuvenate Dress with it’s kangaroo pouch back. “Ever wanted to add some junk to your trunk, literally?! This is the dress for you!” HORRIBLE. BAD.

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